It is a collaborative artistic endeavor led by the artists Mirsini Artakianou and Theodora Kanelli, which took place throughout the duration of the “Routes in Marpissa” festival at Evangelismos square in Marpissa, Paros.
This project is inspired by the tradition of the veggera, which is an improvised form of entertainment that is passed down from generation to generation, and seen as crucial for maintaining social and familial networks across Paros villages. People from the villages, and especially women, met in the public square, carrying one of their cushions, to chat with each other, transforming the public square into a more private space.
The main objective of this artistic work is the co-design of “the private space” through the lens of memory. Together with participants, they transformed the notion of “private” into “public” by redefining the concept of the square as a social place for meeting and interaction.
Passers-by, residents of Marpissa or visiting tourists, were invited to pause at the square, find a comfortable spot to sit, discuss with each other and answer two key questions:
– Which word encapsulates “private space” for you?
– Which personal item holds significant emotional value in your life?
Passers-by choose one of the different fabrics and design, cut and then sew their personal object into a collective fabric. So gradually, as the number of participants increases, in parallel, the diameter of the circle expands in the form of a spiral. Originating from the center, it expands towards the borders of the square, creating a new “square”, where the boundaries between the personal and public realms are confused and overlap.
Organized by: Routes in Marpissa Festival